The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars
Running time: 2 hours 5 minutes
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Director: Josh Boone
Cast: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern, Sam Trammel, Willem Dafoe, Lotte Verbeek, Mike Birbiglia.

Hazel and Gus are two extraordinary teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them - and us - on an unforgettable journey. Their relationship is all the more miraculous, given that they met and fell in love at a cancer support group.

‘One sick love story’ is the controversial marketing tagline for the much hyped John Green adaptation, yet the film is anything but ‘sick’ as suggested in the tagline. To the uniniated, ‘TFOS’ tells the love story of two cancer patients, Hazel and Augustus. As the plot progresses into what I would like to call a tearjerking crescendo, nearly half of the audiences in the auditorium can be heard crying and sobbing with some Kleenex-blowing actions. Yes, there’s so many elements in the movie that can be related to life – the unpredictability, time, family, health, love and shattered dreams, and they’re all worthy of a good ol’ weep. Perhaps the originality of such love story treads on the sympathetic health condition of the protagonists, or it may be the undeniably strong, solid chemistry conjured by both leads. ‘Divergent’s tough cookie Shailene Woodley and the ever charming Anson Elgort made a convincing pair with their unbelievably believable on-screen chemistry, and it’s already more than enough to carry the film on an exciting pace. The premise strucks on your heartstrings with its cruel if not necessarily vivid reality of life, how one’s dream of leaving a mark of achievement in his life is completely smashed with limited life span, how ruthless cancer can be robbing beautiful lives from their loved ones, how one has so many things to do and so many goal to reach in so little time, and how one could possibly accept and deal with the pain of losing someone so dearly to his or her existence. There’s a tonne of things I love about this film, but most of them are better left unsaid, you just have to go and experience it with your loved ones. Tissues and shoulder to cry on not included. The surprise romantic hit of the summer.

Full 5 Stars

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